
Helping financial institutions like yours automate your cash processes while improving operations so that you can provide the best client experience. We offer desktop products, cash automation products, along with TCRs, ATMs, ITMs and more! 

Scan Coin DTC Series

The latest DTC solution is designed to satisfy the market’s need for reliable and modern cash processing. It is a strong performer in sorting and counting, as well as in rejecting foreign and damaged coins. Through the unique sensor technology the solution offers outstanding accuracy, combined with reliable functions. Maximise the efficiency at the same time as you increase the accuracy, enabling you to focus on more profitable tasks.

  • touch-screen display and a keypad for easy operation. This, together with the proven sensor technology and the reliable construction, ensures years of operating excellence
  • The heavy duty coin sorter, built in strong metal, counts up to 600 coins per minute and sorts them into boxes. If two denominations are too close in diameter there is an option to install a second solenoid for optimal sorting
  • Besides counting and sorting coins into boxes, the unit features automatic rejection of foreign and damaged coins, as well as programmable batch stops
  • Depending on how many denominations you wish to count and sort, choose the DTC model that best meets your needs. The DTC-1 sorts and counts one denomination, the DTC-6 six denominations and the DTC-9 nine. An optional second solenoid can also be installed to separate a second currency or tokens

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