Ready. Set. Go.

The new 8300 Recycling Series from Hyosung. 

Recycling ATMs now available

Hyosung is leading Branch Transformation and Recycling across the financial services industry. Together with our newest models, the MX8300D, MX8300T, MX8300I, Hyosung once again set the standard and leaves competition at the starting line with the first complete family of recycling hardware in the industry.

Ready. Set. Go.

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Download the 8000 Series Full Brochure HERE

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Hyosung recycling at a glance

ATM Timeline large (2)


Next Generation Recycling ATM – 8300 Series

Interchangeable Technology

  • Easy to Upgrade: Interchangeable between CDU (Cash Dispensing Unit) and BRM (Bill Recycling Module)
  • Flexible BRM design allows for traditional ATM operation, upgrading to full recycling when back-end systems are ready

Better User Experience

  • Presenter-style recycler for exterior ATM allows for easier user interaction

Trying to lower your CIT cost?

Cash recycling at the ATM optimizes cash handling by reducing or eliminating many steps along the cash life cycle. At CIT-serviced ATMs, recycling reduces the frequency of CIT visits by re-using deposited cash for future withdrawals. Reducing the frequency of CIT visits results in a direct, calculable reduction in CIT expense.

Impact of cost from cash recycling ATMs

ATM recycling reduces the frequency of cash service events at the ATM. This reduction leads directly to an easily quantifiable cost savings associated with service event reduction across a population of ATMs.

The value of recycling extends beyond service events at the ATM, however. Many associated cash processing tasks are also impacted, providing multiple value levers for a bank’s operations.

  • With ATM recycling, significantly less time is spent counting, sorting, and handling cash, allowing for the capturing of operational benefit or the repurposing of hours to a more value-added task or service.
  • Fewer replenishments leads to fewer cash orders by branches, reducing administrative work associated with the management of bulk cash deliveries and shipments.

Interrogating the entire cash cycle will allow for a holistic business case associated with the implementation of ATM recycling.

Count_Settle Deposit Cassette


The 8300 Series ATM & ITM product line up


What types of implementations can I do with the 8300 series?

The 8300 series can be installed Cash Dispense only, Deposit Automated with or without recycling or full ITMs with or without recycling.

Does my ATM Processor need to support Recycling?

Yes. Roughly 4-6 of the major processors already do and more are on the way. To protect your investment, you can buy the recycling 8300 and run it in dispense only mode until your processor is ready.

How does recycling save costs?

Typically we see cost of cash handling reduced by 50%. This includes fewer trips to load the ATM/ITM during the week or for many clients, less trips to empty the cash deposit bin.

Ready to Talk Cash Recycling ATMs or ITMs?

Whether it's a QDS solution or a competitor solution, we want to help you reach your branch goals. Have additional questions about cash recycling ATMs or ITMs for your financial institution? We're here to help.

Fill out this form to speak with a QDS team member.

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